

About myself

Hello, I am Jannis Jost
I am a Computer Science student living in Switzerland.  I have a keen interest for coding, and I am willing to learn more about it  especially different coding languages and about computers. It has been 2 years since I started coding. I am always open to learn from my mistakes.

My skills

My interests


I am very interested to know about the different types of cyber threats and  protect the users from the cyber threats which is very common nowadays, and most people are unaware of the threats. I would like to enlighten about this to people.

websites opened on devices
Web development

With the growth and development of technology, the online world is gaining even more importance. Websites are essential in today's world to get connected to the world and to work together over a distance. Therefore, I want to gain further experience and skills on web development.

computer brain
Machine learning

I have bare minimum experience with machine learning, but I am very eager to learn more about it. I sometimes spend my spare time reading papers and watching videos about different projects using machine learning.

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